Sunday, May 22, 2011


So this is kind of officially my last blog for my Digital Art class I believe (if I hopefull counted right haha). I have no clue if I'll decide to blog, no I probably won't blog about digital art or media, I may blog about art, that is if I continue to blog at all. I've blogged about some of the randomist digital media and art topics (like the Digital Nail Art...really haha) I mean I even blogged about WoW...! I mean I have learned alot of different things about Digital Art and Media from blogging about it, which I'm sure was the whole point of this assignment. So last picture I want to put up is this...

Anime! Now a days anime is done on different types of photoshops and such, some is still done by hand. This is an image from the anime series Samurai 7, very cool(my favorite series)!!!

Visual and Media Artists

So looking through the National Art Gallery of Canada website, because I'm going at least twice this summer that I know of, I found an exhibit that is of pieces of the Governor General's Awards in Visual and Media Arts winners. I thought it was very cool and I'm excited to see it.

Here is one of the winners pieces of art, which is really really awesome, I could never dream of having the ability to create something like this.

This piece is done by Geneviève Cadieux, a Montreal artist.

Big Baby

Ron Mueck, a contemporary Australian sculpture, who has amazing pieces. My first visit to the National Art Gallery of Canada there was one piece of artwork that really caught my eye, besides Maman, which was Ron Mueck's sculpture "A Girl." It's a 16 foot long sculpture of a bloody, slimy baby with the umbilical cord still attached all mostly made out of fiber glass.

Found a picture with a person to help you realize the size of this thing...and doesn't it look so realistic?!?!

Art Gallery

My favorite place to go over the summer is the National Gallery of Ottawa. I go once or twice every year, I try to go around the time of the tulip festival where there are tulips planted everywhere and it is so beautiful. It's located in Ottawa, Ontario (the capital of Ontario), where it is so beautiful there. I love the old parliament buildings and old churches that are there. The gallery is great, they have different exhibits each year of different artists works, but they do have exhibits that are there year round. My favorite piece of art is this one:

The name of this piece is Maman made by Louise Bourgeois. It's actualy very large, 30 feet to be exact, made out of bronze. In her belly(or sack) is 20 pure marble eggs. The word Maman is french for "mother," obviously giving the spider eggs makes it a mother. It's simply magnificant to stand underneath, it just towers over you! I advise any who get the chance to go to the National Art Gallery of Canada to take it and see this statue. :)

Fashion Show

So I know I have to write about an art event that I've gone to(not going to lie I had classes during the art events or just didn't have time with the amount of work I had to do). What I did manage to go to was the Fashion Show that Hartwick put on. To be honest fashion is a type of art, where you match articles of clothing and accessories together to make a statement or an image. They had summer wear, spring wear, formal wear, and cultural wear. All of it was very good and I thought everyone did very well with their outfits.

It's What You Think

Here is my stopmotion animation, called It's What You Think. I don't know why I named it that, just made people think there was something more to it, like behind it. People will see or come up with ideas if you plant the seed. I'm curious as to what people will really think about the video, as to why it was made, why I did this certain thing. If I was trying to get some sort of message across or what? Interesting huh?

Again Bein Nerdy

One of the most famous achievements that even non-wow players know about is the Leroy Jenkins Achievement.

Objective: Kill 50 whelps in the Upper Blackrock Spire's Rookery
It's difficult but doable(yes I have gotten this achievement) this video is not of me I just randomly looked it up. Annddd by the way, WoW graphics are awesome, the creators of World of Warcraft really know what they are doing.

Nerd Alert

Okay so I HAVE to blog about it at least once. World of Warcraft is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). I played for about 5 and a half years, then college took over my life so I quit. It's honetly for the best because alot of the time you find yourself thinking about the game instead of real life, sadly most who play are addicted, whether they are extremely addicted or just slightly. There have been multiple expansions and each expansion had a cinematic. Out of all of the cinematics this one is my favorite.

P.S. Love the music!! :)

Leggo Grease

I don't know any female that doesn't like Grease, I know quite a few guys who likes it even. I love the movie and it's one of my favorites. I can sing along to any and all of the songs on it. I was looking through songs on youtube from Grease, and I found this video. Pretty cool, I love leggos too haha!


This video is super cool. It's a stop motion animation video and they made it go along with the music, which makes the animation even better and makes it more enjoyable to watch!


This video is really cool and goes well with the music(love the music).

Burn Baby Burn

Very cool photoshopped image. It makes you take a second look at at, the whole effect of the flames is neat.


I figure I may as well talk about my own painting!! This honestly took me a month, did it in a studio art class(took me a month because I had class every other day for only an hour). The painting is of  Ziyi Zhang, whom you may have seen in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon as Jiao Long. She's a very good martial artist, actress, and is very beautiful. I forgot what exactly I called the painting because it was so long ago!! The size of it is actually alot bigger than it seems, we're going to have to get a fram for it custom made it's so big!

Take a Picture

This is veryyyy interesting! It has an interesting idea, which is very cool. It was photoshopped, but pretty sure you could even do this with a few cameras.

Pink Glow

With the way they did the color scheme on this image makes it almost glow, like there is a horizon with the sun behind the pink haze. Where the image glows pink!

What's really inside?

Very cool and unique. Love the way they put the white scratch looking things to make it look not like a brand new picture like it's been sort of the arm. Very cool colors too!!

Too Perfect

So there are photoshopped pictures that look too perfect and you know it's photoshopped. I mean there are those images that are photoshopped that you can't even tell, there are some that honestly suck, and then there are some that look so perfect you can tell it's photoshopped because nothing is that perfect.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about:

All Three Worlds

So this image is very very very cool. I love the idea of it! It's like a connection between the "3 worlds" the ocean, land, and the sky. There's the water as the floor, there's the elephant and buildings for land, and then the elephant has wings to represent the sky. The whole thing has cloud around it, making it seem like the elephant is already flying. It's combining all three worlds. I also love the coloration of it, makes it even more unique!!!


Such an adorable baby! And it's a pretty interesting idea to make it into a puzzle. Makes me think of something I did in my photography class where we cut up a picture and put it together with spaces in between each piece making it look like a puzzle. Very cool.

It's so fluffyyyyy!!

Ahhhhh! It's so cute and fluffy! And it looks really cool as well, very well done!


This is pretty cool, makes the "princess reading the book" pop out. Very interesting, and I love the contrast of the bright yellow dress with the purple background.


So I realize this isn't that hard to do in photoshop. All you have to do is make the guy transparent, and then color over him whatever colors you want and make those colors transparent as well. Really not all that difficult, the rainbow coloring is pretty neat though.


This is actually pretty spooky the way they used watercolor and posterized it in photoshop, gives it a haunting look.


So this is just for kicks. It's a photoshopped picture(obviously) and it's pretty awesome in my opinion and very creative!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fractal Art

Alright, talking about my blog and digital arts class with a friend(who is a web designer himself(does it for a living)) and he mentioned fractal art to me. Fractal art is an algorithmic art, so my definition is it's art that uses math to create mind blowing pieces!!!! Here is a random art gallery online of fractal art, Fract- O- Rama.

Here is one of the pieces that caught my eye!!! :D

The Zone

Looking around again, found this site that reminded me of a discussion that was had in my Digital Art & Design. About everything being connected on the internet and how much the world uses this information that is shared. The Digital Media Zone is a website where they "share as much information about the digital media we use on a daily basis" all on one site. It includes the latest HD movies, the latest movies on Netflix, Podcasts, polls on certain things, critiques of digital media, and much more. It would be a good site if you're into digital media to look through and use, or even if your bored to look through it.

Developing Minds and Digital Media

So, I'm really into developmental psychology and theories. I find it fascinating how the mind works and why people do the things they do, especially at different ages. I found this website with a large amount of research and case studies on how Digital Media affects the developing mind. How different children are now from previous years, where there wasn't internet or cellphones or Ipods. How these devices and inventions have directly affected children's creativity.

The 21st Century

So I'm really into education, planning on becoming a teacher, and I found this so interesting! It's about children who are using digital media in schools and outside of schools. How it helps them learn and gain knowledge. It has an interesting view on the digital world and how it's going to effect people in the future, especially children. It's kind of long but very interesting!!

Watch the full episode. See more Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century.


I find this so interesting, competitions for digital design and even gaming design. The U.S. Imagine Cup is an annual competition for those of who are designer(digital designers, game designers, software designers). I find it all very interesting. I don't think I could ever create something that would be in a competition like this. I feel as though if I did it would be something to laugh about haha.


One of the things that I enjoy the most is reading. Recently there has been alot of devices coming out to read digital books. My favorite out of all of them is the Kindle (which I have)

You can read book, blogs, magazines, news papers, it has built in WiFi, it has a media player so you can listen to music, it even reads the books out loud to you if you want. It's easy to carry around for travel and such, so you can have your own little personal library wherever you go. Very convenient and a very good invention!!! 


The Adobe Museum of Digital Media is this really cool website that showcases new and upcoming digital work, and allow people to critique it. It's put on by Adobe (if you didn't figure that out haha). It's pretty cool seeing all of the different things people have come up with. It is really awesome and blows my mind!!!! Just make sure you have some sort of speedy internet! Enjoy!!

Manicure anyone?

Again...looking for interesting things and found this thing on nail art going digital. You know usually women go to the nail salon and get their nails done(I honestly think it's a waste of money but apparently it appeals to quite a few) and they have someone clean and paint their nails. Now instead of someone doing this, because painting ten little tiny designs would be tedious work, they have a machine that will do it. It uses digital images and then puts nail polish on the finger nail based on that image. It's pretty cool but I don't think I would want to stick my fingers in some machine.

Digital Nail Art

Here is a picture of the machine.


This really is trippy. If you're epleptic I advise you to NOT watch this video. This is just for fun, but still it's interesting that someone could design soemthing like this and it have such an effect on people.


So looking through youtube I found this video of a compilation of this artist, Salvador Dali, who has done a bunch of digital art pieces. They are all really awesome. Not to mention I like the soundtrack(love piano haha!) His art pieces are mind blowing, very creative, and unique.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Another cool site I found...African Digital Art It's a ite the promotes and showcases the artwork of African digital artists. Here is one such piece of artwork by a team of artists called Addmaya.

An online museum?

So I was just searching the internet and I saw DAM (Digital Art Museum) and I clicked on the link, curious as to where the museum was located. Come to find out it's located on the internet.

Digital Art Museum

They have all different artists, exhibitions, a timeline for some well known artists, essays on digital art, a listt of resources people could use, and even news on digital art. I find it all very interesting and neat, and it would be certainly conveniant and useful to an upcoming digital artist.

Deviant Art

I used to use this website back when I did alot of art work. It's a great source for finding all different types of art pieces with different subjects and ideas. They even have a digital art section.

Here is one picture I really enjoyed that I thought was interesting. :-)